A work like „Shoes of your choice“, or „Make a salad“ or „Child art,“ there is no goal they are simply to
have the event happen. So whatever happens with someone speaking about their shoes or the child
on the stage…There’ve been horrible salad, hardly edible, like, they didn’t get the stuff together right.
Yes, all that is up for grabs, it’s flexible, I have no goals or endpoints. Except that if it’s food, I like it to
be edible and good, I like to give people more if they like. And without that invitation it’s very
doubtful that person has ever thought about speaking about their shoes. They bought them ten
years ago and they are wearing out but they have never had to recount the way they would have to
recount about their childhood, their mother, their father, they are recounting about something they
are wearing, and so it’s pretty spontaneous, there’s been some pretty amazing remarks that have
come out of there. Then of course they show their shoes and so, one shoe is worn through at the
sole, and the other one, so you see that person walks on their right foot more. And so, it asks quite a
bit of the performer I think. The variety is tremendous. I’ve had to ask people to please stop, because
you know, they’ve been talking for five minutes and it’s fine, thank you, or the person who just gives
it a minute then gets off the stage. It defines the person a little bit, too, if they are comfortable. I think
there is so much that we do between our body and ourselves and our person that never gets voiced
because we think it’s too personal. How do you feel about your shirt, which I like by the way, or the
fact that you are wearing your hat indoors? I mean these little things I noticed, they are very you, and
it’s very interesting. And I remark on those things, and I think most people don’t. And try to have it
revealed. Spoken to a group, how you feel about your shirt, because maybe you never even thought
about how you feel about your shirt since you bought it, but now I have to speak about this blue
shirt, you know? So it’s personal and interesting and descriptive of you…
Well it’s an intention. Right. I wouldn’t call it goal. I’d say it makes it reasonable to work with people,
to bring something out of them. Yes, I have a book of instructions. They are called event scores. It’s a
little pamphlet from years ago and it’s my first tour of Europe and it mentions these pieces that I or
others would do which were directed toward, if you like, a goal, or to have people turn on
themselves and take a good look.