From the beginning I did graphics and drew on different surfaces. I started drawing on the fences.
Then, of course, I felt like drawing on the walls. The peak of my activity was the movie theatre in the
city of Kudimkar, its surface was over 1200 square meters. It was really big, and took a lot of time. It
was my first monumental work and it was very interesting. I still paint on the walls, but now I also
have dimensional works in the city, installations in the city. Most of times I work with helpers. When I
paint on big walls, it is not like there are volunteers, but there is always someone who helps me. A
crowd of people gets together behind me –five or six people– who help me to paint the background
and then I work on the details. Speaking about big works, if I work on installations, of course, I need
help, because I do not know how to do such things as cut iron, weld iron, dig, use a perforator. Most
of the times, wherever I do it, I get volunteers, or I find friends who are willing to help. To be honest,
when I say: “I am going to make art”, go to paint a wall, to stick a poster, to put together an
installation, there is always someone ready to help, someone who wants to help you, because it is
something people are interested in and want to form a part of. And it is really interesting. I do all of
the preparatory work at home. It is like a have a workshop at home. I do sketches there, I do small
works, like this one, because its sizes allow to do so. Then I do whatever is required in the street. I do
not have a necessity to have a big workshops with all the materials. The question of whether a
project is finished or not is quite tricky. It is clear when you make an installation, you have an idea,
you work it all the way through, you get a complete object, and realize that yes, it is what you
wanted. You put it together in the street and you can say: “Yes, that’s it” and go further. When you
paint, this moment takes long to come, because it is difficult to stop, really difficult. When I was
painting this work, could have been finishing, and finishing, and finishing it up to now, but at some
point the deadline arrived, I turned it in, we exposed it and everything was great, but it is really
difficult for me to stop when the work is being painted.